Fullscreen Background Slider Example

In order to create a fullscreen background slider. Just add gutenslider anywhere on your page or post and enable the Fullscreen Background Slider Option in the block settings.

woman standing beside LED signage

The slider block you create will look like a block in the backend, but in the frontend, it will magically move to the back of your page and slide your backgrounds there! Of course, you can add anything on top of your fullscreen background slider. All your usual page content will just magically appear on top.

Also check out the Full Screen Video Background Slider Example

Fullscreen Background Slider CSS

For the background slider, to be displayed correctly in the back of your pages, some additional, custom css might be needed. That is not a limitation of the plugin, but some themes, add background colors to elements, especially to page content. If you want a background slider, your goal is to remove the backgrounds of that element.

If you need help, do not hesitate to write us a support request in the wordpress plugin forums with a link to the website you need a fullscreen background slider.

Continue reading after the demo gallery.

On this page for instance, we needed to add the following css to the Additional CSS section of the wordpress customizer to overwrite the default white background of the page and make the background transparent, in order to show the background slider. Also other elements like headers would need be handled by css rules.

.page-id-1198 #content {
  background: transparent;

Additionally, you should check if the colors of the content play nicely with your background slider. You can also add custom css for your text on the specific pages with the method shown above.

If you have problems do not hesitate to write us a support request in the wordpress plugin forums with a link to the website you need a fullscreen background slider.

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